Case Study x Satelligence
Video Script
The problem
Other One were approached by Satelligence to create a video script for a 2-minute long company video. They wanted a brief, descriptive video that could be easily digested by their target audience.
For Satelligence, formulating a short answer to the question “what do you do?” has always been a challenge. Fortunately, Other One and Satelligence’s long standing relationship and Other One’s experience with ESG innovators allowed them to find the words and images that would answer those questions.
The process
Other One's fluency in Satelligence’s internal language and their ability to translate it for wider audiences meant that they were included from the very beginning of production.
Working alongside an animation company, Other One created a storyboard for the video. They brainstormed with Satelligence’s marketing team in a series of sessions and created a 24-slide set of images with text that would be be brought to life by the animators.
Release of the video was timed with the announcement of an agreement on the EU’s Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products. The release was carefully arranged to generate as many MQLs as possible as Other One expected an influx of interest from companies anxious to comply with the new regulations.
The result
The video has more interactions than any of Satelligence’s other social media posts. It distils what Satelligence does, and the benefits of using their service into the most digestible form yet.