Case Study

Articles & Blogs: Ulula

The problem

Ulula provides digital tools that allow companies to identify, mitigate, prevent and collect data on human rights issues and other social impacts along the supply chain. 

In early 2022, Ulula asked Other One to prepare a blog campaign with two main objectives:

  1. Demonstrate how their solution helps companies comply with incoming human rights legislation and improve their supply chains.

  2. Position Ulula as a thought leader in the field of human rights risk management  by aligning content with regulational developments.

The solution

Other One set out to explain, in terms amateurs, enthusiasts and professionals alike could understand, why the future of supply chain human rights is digital.

Other One then wrote a series of blogs that dove into the benefits of using Ulula’s digital tools. The blogs covered global developments in supply chain human rights regulations from Canada, Australia Germany to Japan and more, identifying which of Ulula’s services could help companies comply with them.

Social impact is an area of ESG that companies sometimes overlook. It’s hard to define and hard to measure. There is a paucity of accessible material that explains the benefits of addressing social impact in the supply chain, so Other One read a slew of legislation, regulatory and legal guidance, white papers, academic research, and much more. They translated all that material into 500-800 word blog posts with practical advice that would keep companies informed and position Ulula as thought leaders.

Use of Ulula’s services has been driven by voluntary company commitments. Upcoming regulations that enforce mandatory commitments and reporting standards will require companies to pay more attention to the workers in their supply chains. This was an opportunity for Ulula to promote their services and ground their usefulness in tangible benefits for prospects.

These benefits were closely linked to services that Ulula offer. For example, at the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Other One wrote a blog post covering the difficulties migrant workers would face in the wake of the conflict.

The result

The discourse on how best to deal with human rights in the supply chain is ongoing. Other One’s ESG expertise, media monitoring and comprehensive research allows them to produce informed content in time with the news cycle, so Ulula can promote their position as thought leaders at the cutting edge of human rights supply chain solutions.

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