Case Study x Carble

Press Releases

The problem

Carble approached Other One to create a press release about their unique USP.

Carble are a growing company with big ideas that could revolutionise smallholder coffee farming, but at the time their solution hadn’t received much coverage.

The solution

Other One prides itself on its ESG expertise, it’s what makes them the perfect copywriters for ESG innovators looking to translate their vision for a wider audience. For the curious, expertise doesn’t stand still, and for a copy company to grow they have to want to learn from their clients. The Carble press release was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate this philosophy. 

Projects from Other One’s archives, like their press release on Rabobank’s ACORN project, meant Other One had the requisite knowledge to understand how agroforestry could be deployed as a means to reduce scope 3 emissions and pass the benefits on to farmers. Their experience meant Other One could digest Carble’s needs with minimal fuss. They benefitted from Carble’s founder, Sander Reuderink’s, years of experience as a coffee trader in a close working relationship.

Other One crafted a press release that showcased how Carble are keeping sustainability socially responsible by ensuring farmers get paid for sequestering carbon on their farms, and making sure companies get the emissions reductions they paid for. 

Other One assembled a hyper-focused list of media outlets and journalists who cover coffee production, trading and supply chains. To do so, they leveraged existing relationships, drew from their own expansive list of contacts and consulted with Carble about which outlets they thought were appropriate. To keep the list from ballooning, Other One only targeted journalists who had previously covered sustainability in coffee supply chains.

The result

The press release was picked up by Daily Coffee News, whose newsletter reaches about 22,000 opt-in subscribers. This reach brought Carble fresh sales leads through interest from industry professionals and readers who were intrigued by their innovative approach to carbon sequestration. According to Carble’s own analytics, the press release generated 27 inbound requests for further information, some from major players in the coffee industry.

These results show how a well-researched press release can generate interest in niche, innovative ESG solutions. It also demonstrates that journalists are looking for fresh approaches to tackling societal problems if they are framed correctly and well targeted. Other One relishes the opportunity to promote forward-thinking organisations by making sure their services are understood through accessible, stimulating content.

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